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Computed tomography (CT)

Computed tomography (CT) is a non-invasive medical imaging technique allowing a detailed internal view of body structures.
A CT measures X-ray attenuations by different tissues inside the body by using a rotating X-ray tube and a row of detectors placed in the gantry. This results in multiple X-ray measurements taken from different angles which are then processed to obtain a cross-sectional (tomographic) image of the body.

In contrast to an MRI, a CT is much faster and can also be used for patients with metallic implants or pacemakers. However, the use of small doses of radiation poses some risks to the subject. Additionally, a CT image is less detailed than an MRI so that e.g. some cancer types like prostate cancer, uterine cancer, and certain liver cancers are hard to detect in CT images. Nevertheless, a CT can create an image of almost the entire body in a few seconds and is widely used for diagnostic purposes.

Resources used

"CT scan." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 28 Feb. 2022. Web. 4 Mar. 2022.

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