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Institute of Radiation Physics

The Institute of Radiation Physics conducts research for states of matter under extreme conditions and in very small dimensions. In order to investigate fundamental physical phenomena, state-of-the-art radiation sources are used. Therefore, the establishment of novel accelerators and the further development and improvement of existing machines is an essential goal of the institute. High-power lasers allow the investigation of the interactions of light and matter. For the detection of the effects on the smallest scales, high-precision and very fast detectors are developed and applied. The use of the latest high-performance GPU computing technology assures real-time handling of big data and sets world-wide standards for open-source simulation tools for complex systems.

In addition to basic research, the application of technologies is a key issue. In modern radiation therapy, developments from our institute are used. The research is embedded in the research topics "Matter" and "Health" of the Helmholtz Association.

Helmholtz Imaging spinning wheel

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