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DR. Rafaela Debastiani

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Nanotechnology

NanoCT (Zeiss Xradia 810 Ultra)


Correlated Study of Material Interaction Between Capillary Printed Eutectic Gallium Alloys and Gold Electrodes

Hussain N, Scherer T, Das C, Heuer J, Debastiani R, Gumbsch P, Aghassi‐Hagmann J, Hirtz M - Small - 2022

Three Regimes in the Tribo‐Oxidation of High Purity Copper at Temperatures of up to 150 °C

Rau J, Schmidt O, Schneider R, Debastiani R, Greiner C - Advanced Engineering Materials - 2022

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Helmholtz Imaging spinning wheel

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